More than 500 Sussex County families will be able to enjoy a Thanksgiving turkey with all the trimmings this year, thanks to the generosity of local businesses, churches and individuals who donated voluminous amounts of food for Project Self-Sufficiency participants. Agency staff and volunteers recently bagged hundreds of frozen turkeys, along with fresh produce, cans of cranberry sauce, vegetables, stuffing mix, dinner rolls, and freshly baked pies and distributed them to local families.
“For many of our participants, food insecurity has become a pervasive and deeply troubling issue. The overwhelming generosity of our friends and neighbors is appreciated now more than ever,” commented Deborah Berry-Toon, Executive Director of Project Self-Sufficiency. “We have a lot to be thankful for this year.”
Thousands of pounds of fresh vegetables were provided by longtime Project Self-Sufficiency volunteer Michael McNamara and his family in recognition of McNamara’s recent birthday. “My whole family is involved in supporting Project Self-Sufficiency all year long,” noted McNamara. “I have been fortunate in my life, and I am honored to be able to use this opportunity to help those in need.”
The First Presbyterian Church of Newton Youth Group, along with help from the congregation and members of Girl Scout Troop #98136, donated 200 freshly baked pies. “The Youth Group and the congregation of the First Presbyterian Church of Newton look forward to baking pies for Project Self-Sufficiency’s Thanksgiving baskets each year. The mission of our church is to be a beacon of light and hope to our community, and pie-baking is just one of the ways that we let our light shine,” said Colleen Duffy, Associate for Family Nurture at the First Presbyterian Church.
Project Self-Sufficiency Leadership Council member Roy Knutsen, in conjunction with Lake Mohawk Golf Club President Chuck Roberts, spearheaded a fundraising drive to purchase 300 turkeys for donation to the agency. “It’s a real pleasure to be able to help needy families with a Thanksgiving meal who might not have had one without Project Self-Sufficiency,” noted Knutsen. “Kudos to the members of the Lake Mohawk Golf Club who stepped in to contribute most of the funds this year.”
Significant Thanksgiving contributions were made Selective Insurance, Kiddie Academy of Sparta, Reverend George A. Brown Memorial School, Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation, and Perfect Pointe Performing Arts Studio.
A joint Thanksgiving food drive was also conducted by Board member Dee Fernandez and Leadership Council member Kathy Nauta, with the help of their friends, families, and neighbors, culminating in donations of gift cards and funds to purchase bushels of canned goods and fresh produce. Hundreds of pounds of fresh apples were supplied by long-time Project Self-Sufficiency supporter John Mathews with the help of Gulick’s Fruit Farm. Generous donations of turkeys, food, baked goods, gift cards, and funds were also received from numerous other individuals and families.
Deliveries to homebound families were provided by parishioners of the Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, a tradition which has been in place for approximately 40 years.

Project Self-Sufficiency is a private, non-profit organization, empowering low-income families to achieve economic self-sufficiency and family stability in semi-rural, northwestern New Jersey. Since 1986, Project Self-Sufficiency has served more than 25,000 families, including over 30,000 children. We offer a full range of services for low income single parents, teen parents, displaced homemakers, and two-parent families, including computer classes, resume preparation, help with interview skills, legal education, parenting workshops, help with emergency basic needs, counseling, case management, support groups, life skills preparation, financial workshops, family activities and childcare.