The annual Maple Sugaring Open House at Lusscroft Farm, 50 Neilson Road, Wantage, will be held on Saturday, March 23rd, from 10am to 3pm. There will be ongoing demonstrations of how to tap the sugar maple trees, collect the sap, and operate the evaporator to produce the delicious maple syrup. Fresh syrup will be available for purchase while supplies last.
As an added bonus for visitors, the Lusscroft Barn and the Holiday Cottage will be open for shoppers during the Maple Sugaring Open House. The Barn Sale offers gently used furniture, home & garden items, books, jewelry, sporting goods, vintage and collectible items and so much more! The charming 19th century Cottage is filled with holiday themed decorations and gifts for sale, creatively displayed in this historic home.
Funds raised from the syrup sales and barn/cottage sales go to the maple sugaring project and ongoing restoration efforts at historic Lusscroft. Free admission and free parking.
Presented by the Heritage and Agriculture Association, Inc., in cooperation with the NJ DEP/Division of Parks and Forestry. Website:

An all volunteer, 501(c)(3) non profit Friends group in partnership with the NJ DEP/Division of Parks and Forestry, dedicated to restoring the buildings and grounds at historic Lusscroft in Wantage.