Author Archive for Wayne T. McCabe

Brickner's<br> Steam Bottling Works<br> in Newton

Steam Bottling Works
in Newton

During the last quarter of the 19th and early part of the 20th centuries, commercial development in downtown Newton flourished. One such business was owned by Andrew B. Brickner, who ...
County Clerk & Surrogate's<br> Office in the Park

County Clerk & Surrogate’s
Office in the Park

The County of Sussex was formally established on June 8, 1753. The area used to create our county was a large portion of Morris County and included present day Warren ...
Newton Shoe Company &<br> Newton Embroidery Works

Newton Shoe Company &
Newton Embroidery Works

Around the beginning of the 20th century, Newton was experiencing a significant growth in its manufacturing base, as well as a steady increase in housing construction. In 1897, an imposing ...
L & HR Railway Buildings<br> at Lake Grinnell

L & HR Railway Buildings
at Lake Grinnell

What would ultimately become the Lehigh & Hudson River Railway began at an organizational meeting in Warwick, New York in 1859. The idea for the railroad was first proposed in ...

Sussex County Lights View the Displays!