Project Self-Sufficiency will host a free, virtual Bankruptcy seminar featuring attorney Steve McNally, Thursday, January 30th, 5:00 p.m. Participants will discuss the process of filing for bankruptcy, as well as the options available to those facing overwhelming credit card debt, foreclosure, or asset repossession with an attorney. The free legal education seminar is a program of the Journey Family Success Center at Project Self-Sufficiency. The presentation is free and open to the public; interested participants must call Project Self-Sufficiency, 973-940-3500, to obtain log-in information.

Project Self-Sufficiency is a private, non-profit organization, empowering low-income families to achieve economic self-sufficiency and family stability in semi-rural, northwestern New Jersey. Since 1986, Project Self-Sufficiency has served more than 25,000 families, including over 30,000 children. We offer a full range of services for low income single parents, teen parents, displaced homemakers, and two-parent families, including computer classes, resume preparation, help with interview skills, legal education, parenting workshops, help with emergency basic needs, counseling, case management, support groups, life skills preparation, financial workshops, family activities and childcare.